“I would like to ask all Foneros to pls migrate to Ubuntu at your earliest convenience. As of next week Fon will not buy any more Microsoft licenses, nor install, service any new Microsoft programs on any existing computers.”
Con queste parole Martin Varsavsky, leader e CEO di Fon, annuncia la svolta e il passaggio da Microsoft a Ubuntu.
Scelta dettata dal fatto che, dopo le dovute prove, per Varsavsky Ubuntu è l’alternativa migliore a Microsoft sia per quanto riguarda sicurezza e facilità d’uso e non ultimo i costi. D’altronde mi sembrano chiare le sue parole:
“Ubuntu has the look and feel of Microsoft, but it´s like a Microsoft software that works fast, that turns on and off very quickly, that installs programs very easily, that lacks that atmosphere of paranoia that surrounds Microsoft and that is extremely easy to learn and use. With Ubuntu I forgot about the computer and got to focus on the work at hand. This I could not do with Windows who through crashes and delays managed to remind me, all too frequently, that it was there. The second reason for the shift is savings. Ubuntu and all its associated software is free and not only will we save money on software but we will save money on computers as Ubuntu runs faster on a 2 year old computer than Vista on a brand new one.”
In questo modo Fon diventa una società totalmente basata su software opensource.
Qualcun altro seguirà questa strada???
Per ora che dire… complimenti per la scelta!
Informatics, ski racer, loves travels, Finland, Norway, mountains, squash, photography, Drones and RC Helicopter
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